10:44 AM

As-Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakataahu, my pretties!

You're probably here to get more info on the awesome prize that we're giving away!

This Ramadhan Journal written and produced by a very sweet sister and friend of mine from the Philippines, Zohayma Montaner. We have been friends for a little over 3 years and has inspired me to pursue my own dreams.


This journal filled with inspirational stories and historical events in Islam.

... as well as reminders and Sunan of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi was-sallam).

 She has even included some of her beautiful artwork.

With over 400 pages of enriching text, this journal is bound to help you make this Ramadhan very special.

May Allah make this a means of benefit to all it's readers and a source of rewards for her. Ameen!

So, you simply cannot afford to miss out on the opportunity to get one of these journals for yourself! Be sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for more details on how you can enter.

[We're so sorry, but this giveaway is only valid for residents of Trinidad. But we will be having an international giveaway soon, in sha Allah!]

All the best!

Love & Du'as,

Umm D.

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