7:50 AM

As-Salamu alaykum! And welcome to my happy place! Positive. Vibes. Only.

My name is Tiara a.k.a Umm Daania hailing from the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. I am, however, currently residing in Trinidad. I do like it here, especially the Muslim community, but home is… home!

I am forever a student of Deen and servant of Allāh…

I’m a mom of a beautiful, intelligent, sometimes overly dramatic, yet very entertaining 7-year old girl named Daania. She's quite the busy-body! And she's also my little awesome helper and my favourite tiny human...

Just in case you’re wondering “Umm” means “mother”, hence the name Umm Daania (Mother of Daania).

For my very first post on my very first website, I just found it fitting that I share a bit about myself...

I do quite a bit of stuff and my interests are not confined to any particular genre as you’d soon come to realize – I’m just weird like that. I swear my brain always has too many tabs open!... And the thought of creating several different blogs is daunting, so I’m putting it all here and hopefully there will be something for everyone!

First off, I love art. I do artsy stuff, and I’m a lover of all things creative ( -humans are so awesome! Alhamdulillah!).

I absolutely love painting on mugs - I literally pour my heart out into each piece! These mugs are great as personalized gifts! Nothing says “I love you” better than a handmade gift…. (Sigh!) My heart melts just thinking of all the smiles I help put on other peoples’ faces! Just awesome, ma sha Allāh!

Arabic calligraphy is my weakness and the connection with this ancient art is indescribably deep. I’m looking forward to brushing up on my skills, in sha Allah. I also dabble a bit in graphic designing and branding.

As a young girl, I’ve always been passionate about just about anything that involves pen and paper and I literally obsessed over planning, listing, and basically anything related to organizing and time management. Some thought it was a little weird – heck! even I thought I was doing the most at times – but it was what worked for me! The planner addict diagnosis is pretty accurate which is weird because life is anything but together...

However, I believe, as Muslims, mothers, entrepreneurs, students, etc. we should all be productive and should have a fair handle on how we spend our time and being productive. Right?

Of course, things will go South every now and then.. or even East or West! And that’s okay.

“And Allah is the best of planners.” [Surah Anfāl, 8:30].

So! You can only imagine my surprise when I joined Instagram, and found this amazing community of planner addicts! I was literally jumping out of my skin with excitement! And this community ignited in me a new passion: creating planner inserts and accessories.

So here I am today, starting a blog where I can share some of my artwork, crafts, and planner inserts with all of you. I may post some random non-planner or art related posts every once in a while – you’ve been warned! mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha!

Anyways! That's all I have for now.

See you soon & take care until!

Love & Du’as,


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