A Penpal Club for Little Muslims!

7:00 PM

As-Salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatahu!

In an effort to revive a traditional form of communication, "snail mail", we've decided to create A Penpal Club for Little Muslims.

Yes, we're keeping it old school! Having a penpal was a staple part of my childhood, and I remember clearly just how I excited I was to seal an envelope, stamp it up and send it off. And I was even more excited when I received a letter from across the world!

Having a penpal has a multitude of benefits including but not limited to:
- encouraging creativity (with crayons, paint, stickers, stamps, etc.!)
- communicate effectively
- improve writing skills
- learning about other people, cultures and lives
- less screen-time!
- giving gifts (it doesn't have to expensive! - I used to get stationery like a cute notepad or pencil. I know some people exchange monetary bills, teabags, or a souvenir)
- and so much more, that I can't think of right now! - Yes, I'm that excited! Possibly, more excited than my little one! Hehe!

In sha Allah, we'll be hosting the Club on two platforms: WhatsApp Group and Facebook Group.


Of course, you'll need my number! Send me a message via email (ummddesigns@gmail.com) to request an invite, in sha Allah. For everyone's protection and safety, we may have to screen those that we don't know personally in sha Allah.

Penpals are segregated! Boys will write to boys, and girls will write to girls.

How does it work?

  1. After you've been invited to the group, introduce yourself and your child/ren: Tell us your child's name, age, sex, where you are in the world and his/her interests.
  2. Interested in getting in touch? Send the parent a private message, and exchange mailing addresses and any other relevant information.


Here's the link for our Facebook group or search for us: A Penpal Club for Little Muslims. Please note that only members can see what's posted. For everyone's protection and safety, we may have to screen those that we don't know personally in sha Allah.

Penpals are segregated! Boys will write to boys, and girls will write to girls.

How does it work?

  1. After you've been invited to the group, turn your notifications on to keep updated.
  2. Introduce yourself and your child/ren: Tell us your child's name, age, sex, where you are in the world and his/her interests.
  3. Interested in getting in touch? Send the parent a private message, and exchange mailing addresses and any other relevant information.


  • Don't feel sad if you don't get a response right away! In sha Allah, as our little community grows your child will find a penpal - or maybe more!
  • Be patient. Letters take time to reach their destination depending on where it's coming from. Usually it won't take more than a few days though in sha Allah.
  • Age requirement: - 4 - 17 years old
  • Only parents should to post to the groups.
  • There are no restrictions with respect to age, however we do encourage you to reach out to parents whose kids are close (not same!) in age or grade level or have similar interests. Parents, feel free to help the younger kids with their writing in sha Allah.
  • Do not share your mailing address or contact information or that of any member publicly. Do read the letters before they are sent out to ensure your kid is not sharing personal information or that of their family in sha Allah.
  • Do not use these groups to spam or post ads or anything other than what is necessary for seeking out a penpal - especially without consent of the Admin(s).
Updates, notices, and subsequent announcements will be shared in the relative groups when necessary. And, yes! You are free to join us on both! Looking forward to hearing from you all soon, in sha Allah!

Please feel free to send an email if you have any questions at all: ummddesigns@gmail.com.

Looking forward to connecting with you all soon!

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  1. Walaikum aslaaam. This is such a fantastic idea.

    I have been thinking for some time how I could get my two young boys into finding a penpal. The idea of writing and writing to someone so far away captures me. I love it. I always had penpals when I was in school but the fashion slowly died out and now with the advances of technology taking over everything, the idea of letter writing seems to be too old. Although I still encourage the children to write letters and cards too all family members and post them! Something about getting a letter in the post which is so exciting! : )

    I will email you and hope to hear from you soon, Inshallah. I feel more excited than the kids hehe.

    Umm Hawa


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